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One of the most practical and high-payoff upgrades you can make to cut energy costs and still assure comfort is with an HVAC zoning system. Keeping your home comfortable based on the temperature where the thermostat sits often results in areas that are too cool or warm. A zoning system solves uneven temperature problems effectively, while prolonging the life of your HVAC system.

These systems divide your home into separate areas for conditioning by using motorized dampers that open and close ductwork. Each zone has its own thermostat that connects to a central control panel that operates the HVAC system. Instead of conditioning your entire home at once, a zoning system only sends heated or cooled air to the areas that actually need it.

Homes that have any of these features benefit from zoning systems:

  • Multiple levels
  • High ceiling plates in some areas
  • Large windows in one area
  • Rooms that are seldom used
  • Occupants whose thermal preferences or needs are different.

All of these conditions create thermal differences that are difficult to manage without an HVAC zoning system. Windows warm a room, heat rises naturally upstairs and prolonged solar exposure on the south and west sides of your home all create different thermal loads during the course of the day.

These systems can be used for existing forced-air heating and cooling equipment, or they can be part of a new HVAC installation. Dampers are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Each zone needs its own thermostat and for the best savings and convenience, programmable devices work the best. The central control panel communicates with the system, turning it on and off when needed. Since an HVAC system doesn’t work as hard when it’s running, it tends to last longer as energy consumption drops.

If you’d like more information about installing an HVAC zoning system for your Martin, Palm Beach, or Indian River County home, contact the pros at NisAir Air Conditioning and Heating. We’ve been providing top-notch HVAC services in this region since 1973.