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Maintaining a household in the Martin and Palm Beach County area isn’t cheap, but there are some ways you can cut your bills without reducing your comfort. Adjusting your water heater temperature is one of those ways.

Save Money and Stay Safe

Most manufacturers set the temperature of their water heaters to 140 degrees. For most people, however, 120 degrees is all that’s needed for showering, washing dishes by hand, and other purposes. The higher your water heater temperature, the more fuel or electricity the appliance uses. By lowering the temperature to between 130 to 120 degrees, you’ll lower your energy bills and still be able to enjoy satisfyingly hot showers.

A lower water temperature places less stress on your water heater tank, slowing the rate of corrosion and mineral deposit buildup, so your tank will last longer and you’ll save money on replacements.

A lower water temperature also reduces the risk of scalding. Water at 140 degrees can cause a third-degree burn in just five seconds, whereas water at 120 degrees takes five minutes to cause these kinds of burns. Lowering your water heater temperature is a smart safety precaution if you have a child, elderly adult or someone with a disability in your household.

A Few Considerations

Setting your water heater temperature to 120 degrees very slightly increases the risk of bacteria developing in the tank. To protect your health, don’t lower the temperature below 120 degrees. If anyone in your home has a suppressed immune system or chronic respiratory disease, keep the temperature at the standard 140 degrees.

A dishwasher not equipped with a booster heater might require a water temperature of 130 to 140 degrees for optimal performance. Having a booster heater installed is one way around this problems. Installing a point-of-use electric tankless water heater to supply the dishwasher or upgrading your dishwasher are also energy-efficient options.

If you have questions about your ideal water heater temperature or need any other plumbing help, contact us at NisAir Air Conditioning and Heating anywhere around Martin County, Palm Beach County, and Indian River County.